A glimps of our everyday life

Friday, September 26, 2008

What Kind of Ball is THIS???

We had Isaac's 1st birthday party last weekend up at the pool. I had been anticipating his reaction to the cake all week. He's a kid who is SERIOUS about his food, so naturally I assummed he'd dig right into his cake and chow down. I was WRONG.

This picture says it all...

I decided to do a "ball" theme for his party, since he loves them. I had his cake made into the shape of a baseball (it turned out really cute...thanks to Super Target). Anyway, I guess he didn't like the fact that the ball got all over his hands when he tried to pick it up. He was so upset that he didn't even want to try a taste of the cake. Oh well!


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby!

Our little guy turned one last Wednesday! I can't believe it. In one year, how can they go from this:

To this:


Monday, September 15, 2008

Funny Things Ella's Said Lately

Ella's Learning Spanish (well maybe)

This afternoon Ella caught a cricket that I saved from drowing in the pool. She held it in captivity for hours in a water bottle. She decided to let it have a bigger place to "live" and transfered it to a large piece of my Tupperware (don't worry those of you who have received meals from me in Tupperware...we have special containers for the insects). I guess we didn't discuss the fact that crickets are really good at jumping. As I was making dinner, I heard a loud scream/cry. I ran outside to find Ella pertrified...she had seen a bee fly by (I wonder what her reaction would have been if it stung her). Anyway, in the midst of the panic attack her cricket escaped. After dinner, I told her she could go and look for the cricket and she didn't find it. She came back inside and told me this...

Ella: A maya wish
Me: You made a wish?
Ella: No, A maya wish.
Me: What did you wish for?
Ella: No, A maya wish. It means I didn't find it...in Spanish.

Now that clears things up doesn't it?!

What Ella Wants to Be When she Grows Up

When my parents were here a few weeks ago, Ella informed us that she wanted to either be a doctor, a vet, or do nails. I like how they all seem to be on level playing ground in her mind!


Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Latest Happenings

Well to all of my 3 readers...I'm sorry I haven't posted lately. It's been a busy few weeks with my parents moving, Ella starting school, and battling an onslaught of sickness!

Here's a recap in pictures...Jason thinks it's funny that I have a blog, since all I really do is post pictures. I guess maybe I should call it a phlog.

Ella's First Day at School

Grandpa with the grandkids on moving day!

Heather's old room

My old bedroom

The living room