A glimps of our everyday life

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bye, Bye Fay!

This past week was a doozie. Not only did we have a tropical storm that wouldn't go away, our entire house beginning with Isaac and ending with Jason ended up with a stomach "bug." It's a week I am glad to leave in the past. Here are a few pictures of the flooding on our street. This was after the water had subsided.

This coming week is a big week. Ella starts pre-K tomorrow. She's going 4 days instead of two, so it's a big jump. I am a little bit sad that she'll be gone so many mornings of the week. She's growing up so fast!

My parents are moving on Thursday and while I know it's a good thing it makes me sad too. It's hard to let go of the house I grew up in. O.K., I'm starting to depress myself, so that's it for now.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

First Steps

I've had this little walker out for about a week in the playroom. A few days ago, out of the corner of my eye I noticed Isaac pushing it. He took his first steps and I almost missed it!

I was so excited and so was Ella. She immediately ran to her bedroom and grabbed her pom poms and began cheering him on (notice Ella with the pom poms running behind him). It was too cute! Somedays I wish I had someone running behind me cheering me on!

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Friday, August 8, 2008

New Teeth

Isaac's sixth tooth started popping through this week. He's been drooling like a faucet...I'm not kidding. We're talking six outfit changes a day (he won't wear a bib). It wouldn't have been so bad, but he was also sick with the same virus that Ella came down with Sunday night (high fever and sore throat). So, I've been stuck inside with two sick kids and one who is teething for the majority of the week. I'm ready for the weekend!!!

P.S. Thanks for the break on Thursday Mom and Dad...don't know what I'd do without you!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My New Favorite Thing

A few weeks ago, I discovered the most ingenious website for scrapbooking http://www.howfasttheygrow.com/. They've featured a few of my pages in their gallery http://www.howfasttheygrow.com/index.cfm?page=content&cid=5 (how cool am I...he he).

It's so much easier than the old way of doing things. Getting out the big scrapbooking organizer, spreading my paper, pictures and other crap all over the dining room table only to have Ella ask me for the stickers, papers, scissors, etc. Not to mention that it took me over two years to complete a scrapbook of Ella's first year. I'm already half way through with Isaac's scrapbook (not that he'll ever care)!

Just thought I'd share...it's the simple things in life that bring me pleasure :).


Sunday, August 3, 2008

They're Moving

We'll I have some bittersweet news. My parents have sold their house of 30 years. I think it would be a lot harder to comprehend this, but they've been talking about selling it for at least the last two years, so I've had some time to digest it. Still, I know when moving day comes, I'll probably be a bit emotional. This is the house that I grew up in and we've had a lot of great memories there. Here are a few of my favorites:

1. Playing kick the can in the cul de sac until dusk and all the moms starting yelling for us to come in (I still hope Ella and Isaac will get to experience good pure fun like this).

2. Waking up Christmas morning to find the little, white, fluffy puppy I had prayed for in a box under the Christmas tree.

3. My mom running around the house frantically yelling "where are my glasses? where are my glasses?" and my sister and I laughing when we told her they were on top of her head.

4. Picking roses to take to my teachers out of our rose garden.

5. Spending summers in the pool. Heather and I would wake up in the morning and put our bathing suits on and play all day with the neighbors who'd come over. We were one of the only ones with a pool, so it was more like a community pool. It had a diving board too until one of the neighbors broke it trying to do a cannon ball.

6. Picking tangerines off the tree in the backyard (the best tangerines ever) and "juicing" them on the thorns of the tree. Coming inside with sticky hands and all.

7. Swinging on the porch swing.

8. Watching my Dad fall off of my sister's bike trying to do a pop a wheelie.

9. Eating pepperoni rolls in the big rust colored recliner on Saturday mornings while watching Smurfs.

10. Turing the sprinklers on in the winter when it would freeze so we could wake up to icicles.