A glimps of our everyday life

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Latest...

Isaac is turning into a little boy very quickly. Some of his favorite words are Vroom Vroom, CCCKKKUUCC, Whoa (yes, I know these are all sounds not really words, but they count, right?). All of which he says repeatedly whenever we're in the car. Until his recent obsession with anything that moves, he hasn't been a great traveler, but he's discovered a whole new world right outside the window. We might have to make a road trip sometime soon!!!

We've been enjoying the beautiful weather and went to an Art Festival and a Garden Show this weekend. I bought Ella an African Violet today at the garden show. Was that a smart thing to do? Now I have a pot of soil resting on a plastic saucer with water sitting on my 4-year-old's dresser. How many days will it be before the soil ends up all over the carpet? That might be my next blog post!

Off to do some reading...before I hit the sack! Here are a few pics of Isaac enjoying his dump truck at the beach.

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Friday, March 6, 2009

The Tradition Continues

Tonight was the night Ella's been waiting for...the Daddy Daughter Dance. It ranks right up there in importance with her birthday.

She picked out her own outfit from head to toe. The past two years she's worn the same dress and I gave her the option of wearing it again (yes, it still fits) or getting a new outfit and like any girl she opted for the new outfit (why did I even ask?). Anyway, I loved her pick...wish they made it in my size ;).

This was the third year that Jason has taken her and I love that they have this tradition. Ella looks forward to it so much that she was asking me today when the next Daddy Daughter Dance was going to be.

Jason sent a few pictures from his phone from the dance. He said she spent more time eating cake than she did dancing, which would explain the crumb on her lip in the picture below...:).

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Monday, March 2, 2009

My BLOG Anniversary

It's been over a year now that I've been blogging. I had fun taking a trip down memory lane and looking at my old posts.

Some things have changed dramatically (like Isaac). And some things are the same (like Ella's crazy comments). Here's a sampling of both...

Isaac Then (5 Months Old)
Isaac Now (Wearing Jason's Shoes)

Last week I copied an idea from my friend Anne's blog.

Ella had fun making a winter tree and after she was finished we had this little conversation:

Me: What would you think if one morning you woke up and saw snow coming down from the sky and and every thing was covered in it?

Ella: It would FREAK ME OUT!!!

Me: Why?

Ella: Because it doesn't snow in Florida (with a DUH tone in her voice).